Discover the activities that marked our year 2024! (french version only)
On November 24, 2023, the Sages Fous invited the press and dignitaries to come and cut the ceremonial ribbon at the Fabrique de théâtre insolite to mark the start of the artists' residencies and their installation in the building's administrative offices.
In autumn 2023, Tricyckle hits the road for a series of shows in the U.S., including at the prestigious La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club in New York.
Discover the activities that marked our year 2023!
In May 2023, Les Sages Fous are back on the Old Continent!
Click here to read the article following the show's run at the Mouffetard during the 11th Biennale Internationale des Arts de la Marionnette in Paris.
Discover the activities that marked our year 2022!
A bit of reading over here...
With three shows on the road around the world, it's been a busy summer for Les Sages Fous.
Click here to read the press release
JULY 13 & 14 2022
Is the building work about to start?
Yes, yes, at last!
But first, join us in celebrating
the end of one epic and the beginning of another!
Three free tours of a site undergoing major transformation!
Puppets, sound and dust !
Wednesday July 13th at 13:00 & 20:00
Thursday July 14th at 13:00
787, rue des Ursulines, Trois-Rivières, QC
Tour duration: 1 hour
Everything you always wanted to know about :
Les Sages Fous
The Fabrique de théâtre insolite project
Saint-James church and the Récollets convent
A major cultural infrastructure project.
Take the opportunity to :
Visit the site before the major transformation
Ask questions
Experience this pivotal moment with us.
Click here to read the press release
Discover the activities that marked our year 2021!
A bit of reading over here...
Trois-Rivières, April 1st 2022
After two years of pandemic, it's great to finally be able to see our audience in the flesh, to immerse ourselves in our creations, and to find the puppeteer in us still very much alive!
Click here to read the press release
Oyé, oyé ! « L'Insolite-mobile: the Fabrique de théâtre insolite on the road» is ready to set out and meet the communities of the Mauricie region. The merry caravan of the Sages Fous presents puppet and object theater created by artists in residence at the future Fabrique.
These companies and artists, loved and sponsored by Les Sages Fous, offer unusual theater for the street and unconventional venues: churches, community halls, schools, barns, warehouses, parks and more.
Les Sages Fous would like to warmly thank the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation du Québec for its financial support of the project through the Fonds d'appui au rayonnement des régions.
As part of the Forum 2021 organized by the Réseau Les Arts et la Ville, South Miller, artistic director of Les Sages Fous and a graduate of New York's prestigious Neighborhood Playhouse School of the Theatre, is invited to talk about the future Fabrique de théâtre insolite project on Thursday, June 3 at 9am.
Forum 2021 will focus on the role of culture in health, living together, cohesion and social justice. Invited guests will present their initiatives and research findings, or launch in-depth reflections and debates on the role of culture in our society.
Forum 2021 will also be an opportunity to discover Trois-Rivières' cultural treasures, as they will be showcased throughout the event.
After all these emotions, we'd like to share with you the pandemic year that brought us through. It wasn't so bad after all! Here, in words and pictures, is the year 2020.
As part of an initiative to honor professional puppeteers from around the world, Caroline Bernier-Dionne conducted interviews to promote the artists. South Miller, artistic director of Les Sages Fous, is Caroline's guest for the 111th episode.
Watch it again and again! Enjoy!
En juillet 2020, au bout de quatre années de travail sans relâche, le Ministère de la Culture et des Communications conclu un accord de principe et un investissement de 4,8 M$ dans ce projet d'infrastructure culturelle qui permettra de convertir le site patrimonial des Récollets-de-Trois-Rivières en un lieu unique au Québec dédié à la marionnette et à l’imaginaire. Ce fut un jour merveilleux et palpitant !
La marionnette en vedette: 4,8 M$ pour aménager un lieu unique au Québec,
Le Nouvelliste, July 2020
Culture Trois-Rivières takes you behind the scenes of the cultural and artistic scene in the region and beyond. What's in store? New and previously unpublished facts in a friendly and straightforward atmosphere.
In this third episode of Arrangé avec le gars des vues, we talk to South Miller and Sylvain Longpré from Les Sages Fous to find out all about the Fabrique de théâtre insolite.
Listen to the podcast on Spotify
Discover the activities that marked the 20th anniversary of our mysterious creative company.
A bit of reading over here
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